Can any bread recipe be baked in a Dutch oven? I know the no-knead one calls for it but I want to make Japanese milk bread in the Dutch oven.

  • Posted by: soozy
  • October 8, 2013
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

AntoniaJames October 8, 2013
I would certainly try it. I've cooked various breads, including my Sour Cream Dinner Rolls, in a Dutch oven. I would not pre-heat the Dutch oven in the hot oven, and I'd probably use a lower heat than is called for in the no-need recipes. (I'd go with about 425 degrees.) Remove the lid after 15 minutes, so the crust will darken, but keep you eye on it and tent it if it looks like it's getting too dark after 30 minutes. Also, it probably won't rise with the big puffy holes that artisianl breads have, because the ratio of liquid to flour is different. And the loaf will most likely be somewhat flat, depending on the size of your Dutch oven. But I'd certainly try it, knowing that the baked loaf definitely won't be like the no-knead bread, but very likely will taste great. Also, be sure the oil the bottom of the pan well. Otherwise it will stick. ;o) P.S. If you do try it, let us know how it turns out!
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