Secret Santa - Food52 Style

I'm not sure if this topic has been brought up before but would anyone be interested in a holiday food exchange? There would be many limitations (freshness, cost) but we're crafty and I'm sure could put together something. I'm thinking about this especially for those of us in low density food52 areas who want to share the food52 love (but really for everyone).

Thoughts? Feedback? Interest? I'd be happy to organize...

  • Posted by: enbe
  • November 4, 2011


Devangi R. January 8, 2012
Enbe- such a great idea! I missed being part of it... Guess I was too busy helping SA victims... Neways! I would love to participate next time! I have started thinking what 8 would pack for next year's swap... Lolz! Happy New Year to food52ers!
Jaynerly December 31, 2011
Enbe, Thank you so much for organising this! Its been so lovely reading all the messages! Happy New Year to you all!
Brette W. December 29, 2011
Panfusine -- absolutely! Thanks.
Brette W. December 29, 2011
Panfusine -- absolutely! Thanks.
FoodieFlirt December 29, 2011
I'm in.
Brette W. December 29, 2011
Calling all participants of the Secret Swap: We here at Food52 would love to see photos of your goodies! Send in your pictures to [email protected] by this Sunday, 1/1 with the subject line "Secret Swap" -- and let us know what the items are and who sent them. Thanks a bunch!
Panfusine December 29, 2011
bstar, I didn't take a picture of my secret santa's gift when I received it (tore into the package before the thought of taking pics came to mind!) .. Can I send you pictures of what I sent?
wssmom December 29, 2011
I am also waiting, melissav ....
melissav December 28, 2011
Still eagerly waiting for my package. Anyone else still waiting?
drbabs December 28, 2011
Thank you, Enbe, for organizing such a fun exchange, and thank you to anitaelectric for my wonderful Secret Santa gift! She sent pecan caramels (wow), two kinds of doughnuts, lavender, and home-roasted coffee--all wonderful treats. Happy New Year everyone!
Anitalectric December 29, 2011
Yay! As soon as I found out you were from New Orleans I knew you would love the caramels...although they don't even come close to real pralines. PS- My aunt lives there and her husband is a waiter at Arnaud's...I've never been but have the cookbook. Coincidentally, my other (Colombian) aunt told me over the weekend how to make tostones puff up like pommes souffles! Can't wait to try it. Apparently, the secret is to salt them between fryings.
drbabs December 29, 2011
Cool! Thanks so much!
cookinginvictoria December 28, 2011
I got my package on Friday -- the day before Christmas Eve. Thank you so much to wanderash, who was willing to ship internationally and sent me a big batch of her famous Ancho Chili Chocolate Bark, which is in the first food52 cookbook. It is yummy -- one of my favorite holiday treats this year. I also received some gorgeous and delicious homemade caramels, made from an old family recipe. I love everything that I received. And I am so relieved that my gift to luvcookbooks arrived on time and intact! Taking part in the food52 Secret Santa initiative was one of my favorite things to do this Christmas season. Thank you so much for organizing it all, Enbe!
cookinginvictoria December 28, 2011
I got my package on Friday -- the day before Christmas Eve. Thank you so much to wanderash, who was willing to ship internationally and sent me a big batch of her famous Ancho Chili Chocolate Bark, which is in the first food52 cookbook. It is yummy -- one of my favorite holiday treats this year. I also received some gorgeous and delicious homemade caramels, made from an old family recipe. I love everything that I received. And I am so relieved that my gift to luvcookbooks arrived on time and intact! Taking part in the food52 Secret Santa initiative was one of my favorite things to do this Christmas season. Thank you so much for organizing it all, Enbe!
sdebrango December 27, 2011
I received my Secret Santa today, I don't know your cooks name but I want to thank Amitpan from California for the lovely gift of mulling spices, the chocolate covered dried cherries, blueberries, cranberries and tofee and the lovely chocolate mosaic, I really appreciate it and it is delicious! Thank you Enbe for faciltating what I hope will become a food52 tradition,
sdebrango December 27, 2011
toffee not tofee, thank you again.
mrslarkin December 24, 2011
I received my Secret Santa package Friday morning! Thank you to Leanne, chaoscookie (I think that’s her handle), for the lovely assortment of homemade goodies from Louisiana! Blood orange hot cocoa mix, Satsuma marshmallows, coriander and black pepper shortbread and sugar cookies, double ginger and pepito biscotti, and confit kumquats. So much fun to be a part of the Secret Santa 2011! Thank you enbe!
luvcookbooks December 24, 2011
Equally relieved to receive and to find out the package I sent arrived in good condition! cookinginvictoria sent me a lovely package with Jennifer Perillo's Cocoa Spiced Nuts, hazelnuts (I want to cook with them but my husband is eating them), home made biscotti (I want to try to make those and the nuts) AND a card AND a small container of FENNEL POLLEN from cookinginvictoria's garden! This is a true surprise and my favorite part of Christmas this year. Thank you, enbe and food52 from the bottom of my heart!
Jaynerly December 23, 2011
I got my package today and Im totally overwhelmed, it was so generous and thoughtful! I got chocolates, jam, "crisps", 2 cook books that I cant wait to read, candy bars, all with a beautiful vintage Christmas card! Thank you so much luvcookbooks!
cookinginvictoria December 22, 2011
I am still waiting too. Hopefully, the package being sent to me did not get held up in customs. :) Per UPS, the package that I sent to my Secret Santa giftee in the States is on track to be delivered tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
luvcookbooks December 22, 2011
still waiting, also don't have confirmation of receipt for my pkg but didn't get it to the post office til 12/17-- notified recipient and she was gracious.
sdebrango December 22, 2011
I am still waiting also, beginning to wonder if it either went to the wrong address or just didn't get sent.
Summer O. December 21, 2011
Thanks SKK!

AntoniaJames December 21, 2011
Still waiting . . . . anyone else still waiting? ;o)
Summer O. December 21, 2011
Yes, still waiting.
Summer O. December 21, 2011
Yes, still waiting.
SKK December 21, 2011
I am not waiting, AJ, but I have been worried since last Friday because I had not heard from the person I was privileged to send my gifts to. I had all kinds of worries - 'what if it broke' 'what if she hates it' 'what if everything spoiled'..... And finally I got a message and she recieved it and loved it.

It will come - and if for some reason it doesn't (which I don't believe for a minute) I will send you one! Santa Claus will not forget you. And same to Summer of Eggplant!
melissav December 22, 2011
I'm still waiting as well.
wssmom December 22, 2011
Yes, I am still waiting but I see my recipient received her surprises!!I
Blissful B. December 21, 2011
My Secret Santa surprised me with 2 deliveries: salted caramels last week & something to ring in the New Year this week. They're keeping their identity a true secret, so thank you whoever you are & happy holidays to everyone!
vvvanessa December 20, 2011
huge thanks to hilarybee and mr. hilarybee for the jam-tastic package!
Hilarybee December 20, 2011
Yay! I'm so glad!! I was a bit worried about all the jars banging together. But looks like all is fine. Hope you enjoy it!
vvvanessa December 20, 2011
the only thing i will not enjoy is running out of them!
brooklynsam December 19, 2011
My package arrived just minutes ago! Thanks, S.P. for the candied tangerine peel-which I will need to hid from my kids if I'm to have any, the rosemary chipotle spiced nuts- how did you know rosemary is my favorite?, the spicy cheddar crackers-which I thought were perfect for sharing at our Hanukkah party tomorrow until I tasted them and realized my in-laws didn't deserve them, and the chocolate crack, which is a family favorite that usually only appears at Passover, so my kids are super excited. What a box of goodies!
avimom December 19, 2011
Oops! The message above is really from me, avimom. I didn't realize the last person to visit Food52 on my iPad was my friend brooklynsam. Guess I'll be sharing with you now, brooklynsam!
Anitalectric December 19, 2011
Melomel sent me the most amazing jams. The first one I opened was the strawberry black pepper balsamic...which I have since put on/in everything including these baked donuts. Can't wait to try the blueberry.

(Thank you!)
Bevi December 19, 2011
Nice to see you, Anita! Thanks for the light!
Anitalectric December 19, 2011
Bevi, I love your new profile pic. Hope you had as much fun as I did at the Bazaar. Great to see you again!
pamelalee December 18, 2011
Thanks again, Ms.T, for the fantastic package! What a treat receiving the famous Pine Nut Brittle with Rosemary from the recipe's originator. In addition, Ms.T sent me Martha Stewart's Ginger cookies with cayenne, Apple-Plum-Fig Chutney, and Pear-Ginger-Citrus Jam. Can you believe those amazing combinations?
Bevi December 18, 2011
PS - I forgot the Spicy Plum Sauce! Thank you!
Bevi December 18, 2011
Melissav, you are really the best. My husband greeted me at the airport with the most delicious ginger molasses cookies ( I simply must have the recipe) and rugelach. Then, when we got home, I found more cookies (the Flo Brakers(?)), tomato marmalade, cherry chutney, granola, jalapeno relish, and to top it all off, Michelle Bernstein's Cuisine a Latina! I am overwhelmed! Thank you so so much. Happy Holidays to you and all the cooks on food52!
melissav December 18, 2011
So glad you liked it. My husband said I put more effort into the Secret Santa box then his birthday present! It was so much fun putting it together. I meant to include a paper with all the details of each item but I ran out of time. The ginger molasses cookies are Taste Food's recipe from this site, the rugelach is my Great Grandmother Ida's recipe (found the recipe for the first time while at my parent's house over Thanksgiving), the almond cookies are indeed Flo Brakers, granola is my recipe, tomato marmalade is from, cherry chutney is adapted from dymnyno 's recipe on this site, jalapeno relish is from, and the plum sauce is from Mrs. Wheelbarrow. Happy Holidays!
Bevi December 19, 2011
Oh my goodness gracious sakes alive! Melissav!! I opened my refrigerator and found ancho chili bark! You are amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 18, 2011
Thank you to my Secret Santa (A.C.) for mailing me delicious goodies. A ripe Meyer lemon presented itself in New England waccompanied by an array of Placer County Satsuma Mandarian oranges. Eat your heart Harry & David! Let me not forget the colorful Italian cookies too! So appreciative and grateful. Happy Holidays to you! (and the rest of Food52er's, of course!)
luvcookbooks December 17, 2011
finally got my packageoff today, have never sent internationally and holdingmy thumbs that it arrives ok.
luvcookbooks December 17, 2011
finally got my packageoff today, have never sent internationally and holdingmy thumbs that it arrives ok.
beyondcelery December 17, 2011
I'm feeling thoroughly spoiled by Safrus, whose package made the end of a very long work day bright and cheery this week! Everything is homegrown and homemade--even the olives. Do you know how much I love olives? And how on earth did she know that I didn't have time to make quince jam this year, let alone think to put jalapenos and gin in it? Thank you, Safrus! Thank you so much!
linzarella December 17, 2011
Just got home from Hawaii and found a great package from stilllifewithwhisk waiting for me to make up for the blow of leaving behind the beach. Peppermint bark, chocolate cayenne cocktail cookies, spiced nuts, homemade rosemary mint soap, and cranberry ginger sauce. My favorite were the cookies - not too sweet and perfectly spicy. Sharyn, thank you so, so, so much!
LLStone December 16, 2011
It's my Christmas Day! I received a lovely package from Mary Mary Culinary all the way from Ottawa. It's full of Cocoa Nib and Buckwheat Butter Cookies, roasted Chestnut Cookies, Chocolate Cardamon Crackles, Macadamia Croquents and a crocheted and felted wool trivet! Thank you so much, Mary. I'm sharing these treats with my daughter (home from college today), and my son (a Marine, home for a couple of weeks) who also arrived this afternoon. We are nibbling on cookies, catching up, and waiting on their Dad. I promise I'll post a pic, but until then, thanks again Mary - everything is delicious. And Happy Holidays to all of you.
Hilarybee December 16, 2011
sdebrango, if it makes you feel any better, I'm waiting in agony to find out if my package made it to my SS safe and sound.

I hope the USPS gods are listening. They have been very good to me this year.
sdebrango December 16, 2011
@Hilarybee, I hope your package arrives soon and safely. I used usps also and did delivery confirmation the gods were smiling because it was delivered exactly when it was supposed to be. @AntoniaJames, how wonderful a holiday treat exchange what a wonderful idea. It is kind of exciting you are right, I feel like a child waiting for Christmas Day to come. Thanks everyone!
vvvanessa December 20, 2011
all jars arrived safe and sound, hilarybee! many thanks! how did you know i have a very weak spot for damson plums? : )
sdebrango December 16, 2011
Thanks everyone I am glad I am not the only one!!
AntoniaJames December 16, 2011
And I'm waiting too! But I must say, this is the most like waiting for Santa I've experienced since I was a little kid, and I kind of love it. I've organized a within-our-immediate-family (sons, Mr. T and me) Secret Santa holiday treat exchange, our first ever, while waiting for my FOOD52 Santa to deliver. The boys don't return from college until next week. It should be so interesting, and so fun. ;o)
Summer O. December 16, 2011
I'm waiting too. Very excited.
aargersi December 16, 2011
I finally remembered to take a picture! My goodies from FiveAndSpice - hazlenut brittle, chocolate bark (I love candied ginger!) and chocolate dipped figs - which you just barely missed not seeing at all because they are about gone!
sdebrango December 16, 2011
I feel like the kid who was always picked last, maybe SS will arrive tomorrow or next week. Gorgeous array of gifts!!
mrslarkin December 16, 2011
don't feel bad sdebrango. i'm still waiting too!
Bevi December 16, 2011
The mail is getting delayed. It will come!
cookinginvictoria December 16, 2011
And me too! But shipping takes a while to get to Canada. :) Agree that all of these gifts look both delicious and amazing!!
lorigoldsby December 16, 2011
While I have received mine, I'm waiting to hear from my recipient...I hope they like it!
TheWimpyVegetarian December 20, 2011
I'm geting nervous now. Mine hasn't come and we're leaving Thursday and will be gone for a couple weeks...hope it comes tomorrow! Or that it will keep until January!
Bevi December 16, 2011
Here I am, sitting in NYC, and I have just received a phone call from my husband who has informed me that melissav has sent me a package with an amazing assortment of goodies! It will have to be Sunday until I see this bounty, and I will be sure to send a photo! Thank you so much melissav!
melissav December 16, 2011
So glad you finally received it. Hope it arrived intact and that you enjoy the goodies! Happy Holidays!
Emily H. December 16, 2011
Oh my goodness! LLStone's package just arrived at work.

Ginger liqueur in a fabulous glass bottle, almond cookies [the ones just on the site], granola, chocolate covered pretzels and bourbon balls. Along with a cute green Oxo spatula. Trying to resist not nibbling on it all right now. :)
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 16, 2011
How lovely & thoughtful!
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 16, 2011
How lovely & thoughtful!
MaryMaryCulinary December 16, 2011
After further digging in my gift box, I found some rosemary garlic sea salt and some cute notepads. Katey501 included all the things I love, but don't buy or make. Thanks again, and here's a photo, taken after an evening of snacking. I think customs opened the package, as it was well packed, but all the cookie/cracker packages were split and so everything was jumbled together but survived the trip. Thanks again!
Blissful B. December 16, 2011
Niknud December 15, 2011
Ahem. Attention please. Rose Hip Preserves with Vanilla, Spiced Rhubarb Pickle, Blackberry Brule Preserves and.....Strawberry Cordial. I totally win. Thanks Marit!!!!!
VanessaS December 15, 2011
I just got my package from Calendargirl, (thank you!!!!!) which contained, among other very cool things, Lizthechef's scottish toffee - my family can't keep their hands off of it and I don't think it will last long. Also super cute post its, shortbread, and a book of historical cookie cut outs and recipes written by calendargirl - it is awesome, thanks!
MaryMaryCulinary December 15, 2011
I got my parcel and have already sampled heavily. Thanks so much to Katey501 for the 3 kinds of biscotti, the sesame crackers, the wine biscuits and the spiced almonds. It all tastes fantastic and I will try to get a photo in the morning of what's left.
hardlikearmour December 14, 2011
I received my package a couple of days ago. It made it from Maine to Oregon without trouble. It contained homemade strawberry-rhubarb jam, spicy catsup, and Meyer limoncello (cleverly labeled 'Moose Piss')! Thank you to Jamie for such a lovely gift!
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 15, 2011
So cool!
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 14, 2011
My package shipped out on Monday to the west coast, priority mail.
brooklynsam December 14, 2011
Just got my package today--the spiced oatmeal is perfect for these Wisconsin winter mornings, and a big fat cookbook, too! I just wish I knew who to thank!
nannydeb December 13, 2011
I received my package from Bevi and it was festive and delicious! Especially the Rosemary Pinenut Brittle! I'm making the Spirit Balls for my neighbors for sure! Thank you Bevi!
Bevi December 15, 2011
I am so glad you are enjoying!
Emily H. December 12, 2011
I had a baking soda banana bread incident [womp womp] so I'm sending out a box tomorrow with edible treats. Sorry for the delay, secret gift receiver. :-*
SKK December 12, 2011
Sent my package today! Can't remember fretting over a gift so much. My daughter thought it was charming to see me like this. She read the comments on this thread and said "Mom, people are really committed to making food that matters and sends love!" This is Food52 at its best - with more bests to come, I am sure.
melomel December 12, 2011
I received my package from Gingerroot today! It made my day!!! She spoiled me with goodies, from Candied Hawaiian ginger, triple ginger gingerbread cookies, lilikoi butter, ohia honey, Hawaiian cacao nibs, nut free/gluten free granola with dried fruit and cacao nibs and dirty chai toddy kit. AMAZING! I cracked into the tin of cookies on my train ride home from the office because I couldn't wait any longer. HEAVEN!!!
lorigoldsby December 12, 2011
I saw "The Descendants" today and thought of gingerroot! You are a lucky grl!
dymnyno December 12, 2011
I got my box from Panfusine today! I tore into in like a 5 year old on Christmas Day!! Lots of yummies!
Panfusine December 12, 2011
So glad you liked it dymnyno, My six year old son was so excited to help put the package together!

Very impressed by USPS.. I sent my package out on Saturday and Its arrived on Monday!
gingerroot December 12, 2011
I got an email today that my giftee received her package today - I sent it out at noon on Friday in Honolulu and it arrived TODAY in Philadelphia!! I am stunned that it got there so quickly. Here's to hoping that the mail service gods are equally speedy with everyone else's Secret Santa packages.
gingerroot December 12, 2011
I forgot to add that I sent mine in a flat rate box, priority mail.
mrslarkin December 12, 2011
Man, I am seriously second-guessing my choice of UPS! They scared the bejesus out of me when they said they couldn't guarantee delivery by the 16th!! I shipped last Friday, too!
Panfusine December 12, 2011
Just got my package from Jennie (, beautifully wrapped in festive red box. sorry, no pics, opened too quickly before even thinking about the Camera. My son & I loved the mint chocolate cookies, hopefully will save some for the other half when he gets back from work!
melissav December 12, 2011
Sent mine out today and keeping my fingers crossed that it arrives intact after the postal worker tossed it (very roughly) into a big, deep metal bin. I'm worried because I didn't think about bubble wraping the contents until after I handed over the package.
fiveandspice December 11, 2011
I got mine yesterday! Lovely lemon rosemary shortbread and lingonberry jam (woohoo Scando-philia!) from VanessaS. The shortbread are absolutely addictive. I'm afraid they're going to be all gone by the end of the day today, oops. But, I got a picture!
Hilarybee December 10, 2011
I just got my gift on Thursday. I had completely forgotten that I was going to get one, too! It is fabulous and I'm slowly going through it. Except for the garam masala almonds that my husband stole. Thank you BlissfulBaker! loved everything!!

I mailed my gift off today, after I finished the last batch of jam. I sent it via USPS Priority. I have great luck with them with my Etsy shop. Happy Holidays!
Bevi December 10, 2011
What is your etsy chop name?
Hilarybee December 12, 2011
Bevi, my shop is called Thistle Confections. Here's a link, though I'm closed now to finish Christmas orders and open my farmer's market booth in the early winter. Etsy shop should be open in late February, when my first intern is slated to start work.
Blissful B. December 12, 2011
You're welcome! It was so much fun to put together! Like many others, I was a little intimidated by the high bar set by my food52 peers. I told Hilarybee that my goal was just to limbo under that bar! Thanks for organizing this event Enbe! I feel like a kid again, as I watch for the mail every day, awaiting my Secret Santa. The anticipation is half the fun.
aargersi December 10, 2011
Mine arrived and it's fabulous! And um I sorta forgot to take a picture before I dug in so I will have to take one of what's left. Oops. :-)
Panfusine December 10, 2011
Who was it from Aargersi? Just mailed mine out, had to repackage the whole parcel @ the post office. I hope she likes it!

Wonder how long priority mail takes to reach CA?
beyondcelery December 10, 2011
@Panfusine: Priority mail from the east coast to CA is about 3 days, 4 days max. (Part of my job is packing and shipping coffee.)
@gingerroot: I'm so happy it all worked out perfectly! Happy holidays =)
aargersi December 11, 2011
Hi Panfusine! Mine was from Fivenandspice! Who knew chocolate dipped figs were so delicious? :-) This is so fun!!!
sdebrango December 10, 2011
I feel the same way drbabs, I so want my SS to like to what I sent and after the fact am thinking I should have done more and spent more time on the packaging. Ugh--
luvcookbooks December 10, 2011
Dr. Babs, its 6:30 am and I am smiling at year comment. Luv u.Add your answer here
drbabs December 10, 2011
luv u too, luvcookbooks.
drbabs December 10, 2011
I'm feeling intimidated, too. I just want it to be great for my person, and I hope she likes everything. And we were in Austin for the past week taking care of our grandchildren (SO FUN!! And I got to see aargersi!) so I'm doing everything this weekend and may not get it into the mail till Tuesday. (And yes, I'm working today and I signed up to bring two dishes to a dinner party tonight so I am completely insane.)
TheWimpyVegetarian December 10, 2011
I completely understand how this can happen. Completely. Glad you had such a fun time with your grandchildren - and how cool to be able to meet aargersi!!!
aargersi December 10, 2011
Dr Babs' granddaughter is about the cutest thing ever, and Dr B is a complete sweetheart!!!!
calendargirl December 15, 2011
Feel intimidated no more, drbabs! Package arrived safe and sound today (Thursday) and I adore everything. You are the best! This came at exactly the perfect moment. More soon... xxx calendargirl
drbabs December 15, 2011
Wow, that was FAST! I'm so happy you like it!
calendargirl December 15, 2011
My lunch was Cheese Crispettes and Everyone's Favorite White Cookies, sigh.
AntoniaJames December 10, 2011
And mine went out today too. Frankly I'm a bit shocked that I beat the deadline by three days, but the clients were all out at their holiday parties this afternoon, so I played hooky too! Such fun. ;o)
TheWimpyVegetarian December 10, 2011
Sent mine today too. They said it should arrive next Friday. Fingers crossed!
gingerroot December 9, 2011
I received my package earlier in the week and it is amazing!! Thoughtful and in a serendipitous twist of fate, very appropriate for my family since it includes three scrumptious sounding homemade gf mixes. My husband is gf and I had forgotten to include that in my comments when we signed up. Thank you Syronai!!
I sent my package out today - I'm also hoping it reaches its final destination within a week.
mrslarkin December 9, 2011
Just dropped off my goodies to the UPS Store for packing and shipping! Fingers crossed it'll get there in a week! Please look kindly upon us, UPS gods.
Bevi December 9, 2011
My feelings exactly. Am waiting to hear the UPS gods did their job for me.
SKK December 9, 2011
Received my Secret Santa gift today and it is incredible. So much thought went into the packaging. An oragami
bird, colored felt wrappings. And the food! Amazinng - serving tomorrow at a gathering of close friends. Enbe, thank you for thinking of this.
Lizenella is my heroine!
linzarella December 10, 2011
SO, so happy to hear you liked it!!!
SKK December 12, 2011
Linzarella, I was not the only one who liked your gifts. No more slow roasted pecans - guests devoured them. And the Fig Olive Tapendade is gone with great appreciation and compliments. And the beautiful cloth you put in the gift box was sent to my Secret Santa giftee. The colors are so beautiful. The oragami bird however is all mine! Right on my kitchen counter in a place of honor. And I agree "No matter how many times I do my work, it never stays done for long."
enbe December 9, 2011
@ all of you (and especially @hardlikearmour) At the risk of sounding totally cheesy- when you're more excited to give than to get, you've definitely in the holiday spirit! That's not weird. And I've seen tons of awesome packages so far, so I'm sure you packed up some amazing stuff as well. So far I'm really impressed by the diversity of packages- all sorts of different interpretations on the same theme :)
lorigoldsby December 8, 2011
@panfusine and @fiveandspice....I'm sure your recipients are lucky ducks! The one thing I meant to post, If you are relatively new to food52, make sure you include your screen name. I think the biggest gift of this is the sharing and making new friends!
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 9, 2011
Rut Roh, were we suppose to disclose our real name or screenname on the note inside the package?
sexyLAMBCHOPx December 9, 2011
Rut Roh, were we suppose to disclose our real name or screenname on the note inside the package?
Summer O. December 9, 2011
I included both of my names.
hardlikearmour December 9, 2011
I think it's totally up to you if you wanted to use your real name. Screen name seems like an important detail, so you can hopefully get a message from your recipient via food52!
hardlikearmour December 9, 2011
And I just found the note I thought I had tucked into my package! Yikes. Am now going to message my recipient, so as not to leave her in the dark!!!!
Panfusine December 8, 2011
Lori, the secret santa package looks awesome, I shd have looked at it after I mailed mine, I'm getting cold feet about my package now, nervous that its not good enough!
fiveandspice December 8, 2011
Oh me too! I'm so worried that it wasn't enough and that my candy making skills are subpar! I think it's really the thought that counts though. And the funny thing is, even though I'm worried about the package I sent, I know I'll be thrilled no matter what I get from my secret santa!
Jaynerly December 9, 2011
I totally feel that way too!
boulangere December 10, 2011
Oh, me too! I've really agonized over what to send mine. She's an amazing cook and amazingly accomplished person, so I'm feeling pretty intimidated. But finally made peace with the fact that it's the thought and all that. Besides, I sincerely hope that enbe has started a new food52 holiday tradition.
hardlikearmour December 10, 2011
Are you kidding, boulangere?!? I can't imagine anyone wouldn't be thrilled to have you as their Secret Santa. I'd bet there are a fair number of people who'd echo your feelings if they had your name (including me!)
TheWimpyVegetarian December 10, 2011
I think at some level we all feel that way! I kept changing my mind as I saw things posted here, thinking each time that I wasn't making something special enough. It was a bit of a relief when I got to the UPS place today since I had to let go of it all at that point. Now, I hope it's still good, fresh, and undamaged when it gets to the East Coast from here. B, I can't imagine you ever making something less than amazing and your giftee is one lucky person - and that goes for everyone else here- HLA, 5&S, J and everyone. What an absolutely wonderful thing to be part of !! I too hope this becomes a FOOD52 annual tradition.
fiveandspice December 10, 2011
I agree, ChezSuzanne. I think we all just really want the person we're gifting to to feel how much we appreciate them and want to give them the best. And, I have a feeling we're all the sort of people who have high expectations of ourselves. But, I think everyone will be excited by their package - I mean, it's so fun just to get a package! - and I soooo hope this will become a tradition!
lorigoldsby December 8, 2011
I recieved my secret santa box today from Ai....A new take on an edible ornament! A hot chocolate sipping ball with a chocolate straw...too cute! you can see her blog and she has beautiful shots of the ornament.

Summer O. December 8, 2011
That's amazing, no? I might start to freak out.
Jaynerly December 9, 2011
Oh wow! Very impressive, I sure wish Id seen that before I sent mine!
Jaynerly December 8, 2011
I sent mine on Monday. I do hope my gift isnt boring (I like it) it was hard to think of something to last the overseas journey! Also the shipping was a factor.
hardlikearmour December 8, 2011
I sent my box this afternoon. It was packed as tight as a drum, so I hope and expect it to arrive intact. Should make it Friday or Saturday since my recipient is on the west coast. I'm almost more excited about sending it out, than about getting a gift myself - is that weird?
aargersi December 9, 2011
Not weird! Mine is in flight as well and I sure hope my person likes it! I tried to pick good stuff ... but making thinks pretty isn't really my strong suit ....
TheWimpyVegetarian December 10, 2011
I feel exactly the same way, HLA. Not weird at all.
sdebrango December 7, 2011
I sent my box yesterday, should be there tomorrow or Friday!!
Summer O. December 7, 2011
The box is gone, phew. I totally over thought that assignment. Here's to hoping the dry ice doesn't melt a hole in the box.
enbe December 7, 2011
I hope your giftee sends pictures!! I'm intrigued about what requires dry ice!
Summer O. December 7, 2011
Ugh, it's not pretty, lots of foam and bubble wrap and dry ice. Although I was impressed I could engineer such a box into refrigerated and non refrigerated sections. Let's just hope the whole thing isn't frozen from the dry ice, no one wants frozen grits.
Summer O. December 7, 2011
Does anyone have any recommendations for shipping perishables? I have cold packs, gel packs and dry ice -I just need to make up my mind and drop it off this afternoon.
Panfusine December 7, 2011
Mine should be out tomorrow.. last batch getting done today..
dymnyno December 12, 2011
Panfusine, I received your wonderful Secret Santa box today....wonderful cache of great things to eat and drink (and I've already dipped into the cookies) Thank You!
Niknud December 7, 2011
Our family's annual chocolate-making bonanza isn't until the weekend of the 17th....but I arranged a late delivery with my recipient. And really, aren't homemade peanut butter cups worth waiting for?
enbe December 7, 2011
That sounds like the perfect reason to wait! What a treat :)
Summer O. December 7, 2011
Yes, they are.
Bevi December 7, 2011
I sent mine out on Monday - someone is supposed to be getting treats on Friday!
TheWimpyVegetarian December 2, 2011
Made mine this morning!! Now I need to wrap it for safe shipping. So fun!!
Blissful B. December 2, 2011
Remember that Food52 constantly welcomes new members & it's quite common for one of the contest finalists to be a new member who submitted just one recipe. I'm not surprised that the Secret Santa event is an equal mix of familiar & unfamiliar names. I'm going shopping tonight, to prep for a Secret Santa Baking Weekend. Can't wait!
Bevi December 2, 2011
I started shopping and gathering ingredients. Have to get this out by the beginning of next week.
Niknud December 2, 2011
I am going to try to get mine done this weekend too! Not sure how successful I'll be - husband's birthday is this weekend and he's asked for Thanksgiving Dinner (we didn't have Thanksgiving at home this year). So yes, I'm that person making two different stuffings, turkey thighs (I'm not totally insane), mashed pots, cranberry relish and gravy this weekend. Oh and I would really like to come up with something to enter in the contest this week since I've missed the last two. Oh and we have an office party to go to. Oh and there's about 19 thousand loads of laundry to do since we were out of town last weekend. Oh and....I'll just stop there, I'm depressing myself.
TheWimpyVegetarian December 2, 2011
I can't tell you how much you made my day, Niknud!!! I'm not making another Thanksgiving meal this weekend, but this reads like my life!! I'm showing this to my husband so he can see I'm not the only one!!
Niknud December 2, 2011
:) Glad someone's enjoying this! Ah, who am I kidding, it's a good life. A hectic, crazy, insane life but a good one for all that.
TheWimpyVegetarian December 2, 2011
Agreed! Have a great weekend :-)
dymnyno December 2, 2011
Where besides this site did people sign up? Whole Foods? Is there somewhere else on food52?
themissingingredient December 2, 2011
Is there another site besides this one where people signed up?
enbe December 2, 2011
Vrunka - wow how speedy! I'd love it if you'd send a picture along if you took one.
vrunka December 1, 2011
wow, my Secret Santa present arrived yesterday -- somebody's got their act together! And it's crazy delicious, too. I, alas, am not that organized and will probably be scrambling to the post office on the day of the deadline, but I've been having fun thinking about what to include in the gift box...
Bevi December 2, 2011
Do you mind telling us what you received? That's so cool!
PaulieG November 28, 2011
Hi Enbe, I'm a little late to join ( and a little quiet on F52), but have been following all for years... I'll watch and see how all goes and hopefully join in on time next year!
enbe November 28, 2011
Alright. The emails are all out, so if you haven't gotten one, now is the time to panic ;) Let me know if there's been a glitch.
dymnyno November 28, 2011
My iPad ate the secret Santa email that you sent me...can you resend it?
dymnyno December 2, 2011
Got it! Is there another site where peeps are signing in? My giftee is someone that has never even submitted a recipe to food52! Can just anyone sign up? How many peeps have signed up?
enbe December 2, 2011
@dymnyo - A total of 116 peeps signed up - each with a Food52 account as far as I could tell. It's true, quite a few people are fairly new to the site and may not have many recipes up. Others have been around for years but don't have many recipes (like me! I'm mainly a lurker and a recipe user). So it's a really mixed bag. We definitely got people from all over the community, new and old. The matches were randomly generated by some scripts I wrote to automate it so, with the exception of the international senders, it was up to chance who everyone got! Hope that helps!

Also for everyone note: the "cooks" search function remains super buggy. Multiple times I would try to look someone up and not be able to find them, only to get it work a few hours later!!!!
dymnyno November 27, 2011
I have not received mine yet...I think I signed up a while ago. ;(
Panfusine November 27, 2011
Haven't got mine yet....
Bevi November 27, 2011
Neither have I, but I bet soon!
Bevi November 27, 2011
I just received my Secret Santa!
enbe November 27, 2011
Although I have scripts for all the data management, it comes down to cutting and pasting into all the emails. My fingers got tired last night ;) I'm finishing them up today!
Also, I'm also waiting on some confirmations that people will do international shipping before I finish off the list.
sdebrango November 27, 2011
Got mine too! Planning now what to send. This is so exciting!
lorigoldsby November 27, 2011
Just got my match...have 11 hours in the car to do some serious planning!
luvcookbooks November 27, 2011
just got my match on the 1st day of Advent-- thanks, enbe!
luvcookbooks November 27, 2011
just got my match on the 1st day of Advent-- thanks, enbe!
petitbleu November 25, 2011
Count me in, too!
enbe November 25, 2011
Make sure you sign up by tonight!
cookinginvictoria November 25, 2011
I have signed up too -- can't wait! Enbe, I also sent you an e-mail, discussing some of the things to keep in mind when shipping to Canada.
dymnyno November 11, 2011
What a great way to celebrate the holidays! Count me in!
Summer O. November 11, 2011
I think this is just about the best idea I have heard all year. I'm slightly intimidated. But very intrigued. Are there any rules? For instance my best sweets dish for the holidays is perishable (not fresh crab perishable but a few days left languishing perishable) if I packed it up with enough dry ice would this be acceptable? Would someone want to receive such a thing? Perhaps I'm being myopic. Anyhow, count me and all my worries in, I'll figure it out.
TheWimpyVegetarian November 11, 2011
I'm totally in! I thought I'd already chimed in and signed up, but don't see me here - so maybe there was another place to comment on this too. Pretty sure I'm signed up though! What a GREAT idea.
enbe November 11, 2011
Just checked and you're on my spreadsheet- so yes you're signed up! Thanks :)
TheWimpyVegetarian November 11, 2011
Thanks for checking enbe!! You're so efficient!!!
nannydeb November 9, 2011
How fun! I'm in!
nannydeb November 9, 2011
How fun! I'm in!
Author Comment
Wow! I almost missed out! I signed up and am looking forward to it!
Blissful B. November 8, 2011
Yay, Food52 featured Secret Santa in their blog today! ..
enbe November 8, 2011
Thanks for posting this- I hadn't seen it. I had emailed them but hadn't heard a response back so I wasn't sure if they were interested in advertising about it.
duclosbe1 November 6, 2011
I'm in! Looking forward to this!
lorigoldsby November 6, 2011
i just signed up!!! Thanks so much for thinking of this!
Jaynerly November 6, 2011
enbe, thanks for that! I will sign up but if I prove to be a problem just let me know as I know postage to the UK is really expensive. I do not mind posting to the US or Canada.
Anitalectric November 6, 2011
Um, YES.
MaryMaryCulinary November 5, 2011
I am in Canada too, so am glad to see we can still participate! I'm going to sign up. :)
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 5, 2011
I signed up. Perfectly organized and full of foodie holiday good cheers! I hope the editors will feature this swap on the home page or blog to offer others the chance to participate if they haven't seen this hotline post. Thank you enbe!
pamelalee November 5, 2011
I just signed up. This is going to be so much fun! Thanks, enbe.
cookinginvictoria November 5, 2011
I would love to do this too . . . but I am in Canada. I am afraid that shipping from the States to Canada can get a little pricey. Would you want to open this up to people who live overseas or is that making it too cost prohibitive and complicated to administer? I totally understand if it makes sense to just include people who reside in the United States, but I just thought that I'd throw the question out there. Great idea, enbe!
enbe November 5, 2011
See my answer to Jaynerly. Let me know what you think.
BlueKaleRoad November 5, 2011
This is brilliant! I am in and signed up. Thank you for thinking of it, enbe, and making it happen. :)
Jaynerly November 5, 2011
Love the idea! Although being in the UK may be a problem :(
enbe November 5, 2011
I was thinking about this before I suggested the swap. I think the solution is for me to check with the person who will make your package and see if they are willing and have funds available to ship overseas and find someone who is willing. But that means you might get paired with someone overseas as well. If we have a few people from the UK though, I could also pair you all together. I don't know what the best solution is...
mrslarkin November 5, 2011
I'm all signed up! Looking forward to this. Another idea to spread the word is to click on the facebook "like" button and the twitter "tweet" button shown above left under "SHARE THIS QUESTION." And on the plus side, our thread is now showing up on the "POPULAR QUESTIONS" feed on the Hotline page!
gingerroot November 5, 2011
I LOVE THIS! I'm in. Thanks, enbe!
SKK November 5, 2011
One possibility is to make a request to everyone who has said yes (you have the googledoc - use our email addresses) to invite one other. That will double the participants. How many are we at now? Also, the number we are at now is a lot bigger than where you started! Congratulations!
enbe November 5, 2011
I'm excited that people are excited :) Now does anyone have any ideas for how to better advertise it? This thread is going to get subsumed by real cooking questions sometime soon.
Spread the word!
AntoniaJames November 5, 2011
Send a note to the editors -- [email protected] -- and ask them to write a short blog post about it, and to mention it, with a link, in the weekly email newsletter! ;o)
SKK November 5, 2011
Brilliant, AJ. Enbe - you have a partner mentor in AJ.
enbe November 5, 2011
Great idea AJ. I just sent an email off.
Bevi November 5, 2011
Ask the editors to mention the pertinent dates in the body of their article - I have already forgotten what the entry and shipping deadlines are!
Miafoodie November 4, 2011
Enbe....what fun. I'm all signed in and am excitingly thinking about what to send.
wssmom November 4, 2011
Bevi November 4, 2011
Signed up!
boulangere November 4, 2011
It almost seemed too easy. Enbe, thank you profoundly for setting all this up for us. I have a stupidly tedious, though short, list of food allergies. Am I correct in hoping that my secret person's similar info will be available to me? This is too much fun! Fantastic idea, and thank you again.
enbe November 5, 2011
Yup all of the information will DEFINITELY be passed along to the person sending the package to you. I wouldn't want to take any chances with food allergies. They will also have your contact info in case they need to clarify anything (makes it less secret but avoids bad reactions!)
drbabs November 4, 2011
It's really easy, people. Enbe, thanks so much--this is so fun!
fiveandspice November 4, 2011
Enbe, you're the best! Thanks for organizing this, and for making it so easy!!!
sdebrango November 4, 2011
Registered, let the games begin!! Thank you for organizing this.
enbe November 4, 2011
I looked at the site and it seems like a great idea, but I want to make sure we can troubleshoot any problems that may arise so I've set up a googledoc. It's pretty self-explanatory:

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns (about the SecretSwap or googledoc).

Let the fun begin!
Niknud November 4, 2011
Already signed up! You rock enbe! Thanks so much for organizing this!
SKK November 4, 2011
OK, I signed up with googledoc, and am not sure if I am supposed to do something with the SecretSanta site?
This is so much fun - thanks again.
enbe November 4, 2011
@SKK nope, just sign up on the googledoc. Sorry for the confusion!
SKK November 4, 2011
Fabulous idea! Thanks for coming up with it and offering to organize. Count me in. Also, be sure to ask us for what you need.
VanessaS November 4, 2011
I'm in!
mrslarkin November 4, 2011
Yep, I'm in too!! Sounds like fun! Great idea, enbe!
hardlikearmour November 4, 2011
I'm in!
Blissful B. November 4, 2011
Me too!
boulangere November 4, 2011
Sign me up!
wssmom November 4, 2011
But to email you we would have to use another option besides "send me a message" because that has not been too reliable since the changeover ...
wssmom November 4, 2011
I am in!!!
fiveandspice November 4, 2011
Love love love love this idea! Gingerroot and I have already sent some nibbles back and forth to each other and it worked out just swimmingly. So, it's doable. Count me in for sure!
sdebrango November 4, 2011
hardlikearmour and I have already done the same. This will be fun!
Niknud November 4, 2011
My 'reply' button doesn't seem to be working, but I like enbe's idea.
sdebrango November 4, 2011
Sounds like fun! I agree Niknud the flat rate boxes are great! How would we pool all the names? Or would we just pick someone from those interested?

Voted the Best Reply!

enbe November 4, 2011
Once we get a few more people and decide to seriously go ahead with this, I'll have everyone email me, assign them a number and use a random number generator for matches (yup I'm a scientist by training) - that way maybe we all get to interact with someone new and no one doesn't get picked. But I'd be happy to do it another way if there's a more preferred suggestion.
sdebrango November 4, 2011
That works for me enbe!
meganvt01 November 4, 2011
There is a great website called that you can enter email addresses into, sign up, and it will automatically generate the matches and email them directly to you - that way one person doesn't have to know all the matches. I've used it for years for my family gift exchanges.
sdebrango November 4, 2011
Thats so cool, I like that idea!
Niknud November 4, 2011
Ooo too! Love those flat rate shipping boxes from the post office. My vacuum sealer is sitting forlornly on a basement shelf just WAITING to be put to good use.
enbe November 4, 2011
That's the spirit! :)
drbabs November 4, 2011
How fun! I'm in, too.
Bevi November 4, 2011
That would be great! Please count me in.
aargersi November 4, 2011
Sure! That would be fun!!!
Panfusine November 4, 2011
Totally FOR it... Count me in! Lemme know what th guidelines are.. (I remember vera Bradley groupies doing this, secret vera admirer thing, they'd draw from a pool of name & send them vera Bradley & other stuff!)
AntoniaJames November 4, 2011
I'm totally in!! What a great idea. Go for it! ;o)
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