Best food mill?

Hi, I'm in the market for a good food mill but don't want to spend the amount for a Rosle. What's your favorite mid-priced mill that is sturdy and preferably not plastic? I'm having a hard time finding any good information. I'm going to be using it primarily for apple butter- is the mill better than a chinoise?
Many thanks!



Nicole R. September 25, 2015
The old-style Foley food mills sound like they work great. I had a new model two years ago and it didn't work at all. It was cheap and never ground anything. I tried very hard to adjust it but in the end I tossed it!
SKK October 10, 2011
I have the Oxo and love it! Would recommend it to everyone.
Helen's A. October 9, 2011
I vote Foley. I'm about to invest in my second one, after about 30 years... I use mine more than I use my food processor or blender. It's my go to kitchen gadget!
cookbookchick October 9, 2011
btw, i see the Foley now comes in stainless steel -- mine is decades old -- and is very affordable.
cookbookchick October 9, 2011
I would not recommend the Cuisipro. The knob of the handle kept falling off of mine, something you would not expect from such a pricey item (now even pricier). I noticed others commenting on Amazon with the same problem. The company boasts about a 25-year warranty, so I contacted them -- a few times by email, once by phone over several months -- with no response. Not until I threatened to call the attorney general in my state did I get a response -- and a new handle. My old Foley never let me down, but I wanted stainless steel, hence the Cuisipro purchase. Commenters on Amazon do seem to like the Oxo. A chinois is not the equivalent of a food mill. They serve different functions. For processing cooked apples for sauce or butter, I'd stick with a food mill.
EmilyC October 9, 2011
Like susan g, I also grew up with the Foley food mill. My mom gave me one of hers, and I really like it. It's a good value. I've never made apple butter with mine, but it should fit the bill well!
em-i-lis October 9, 2011
Thanks, y'all! I just ordered the oxo one as it looks like the new handle on the foley is not popular. really appreciate it!
susan G. October 9, 2011
I grew up with the Foley food mill. It's a real workhorse! I always used it for applesauce, and it's perfect -- smooth and (for redskinned apples), pink.
sdebrango October 9, 2011
The oxo food mill, $50 enamel and stainless really nice.
I have the cuisipro bought it about 8 yrs ago its very good but bought the oxo for a friend who loves it!
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