Questions about using Egg Whites

Some people suggest using egg whites to create clumpy granola. How many are recommend and also by using egg are you shortening the time it can be safely stored outside of the fridge?

  • Posted by: KSC
  • March 31, 2023


Happygoin March 31, 2023
The recipe I use to make granola calls for two egg whites, lightly whisked, with 1/2 brown sugar, 3 T vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. This is combined with 3 cups of oats, plus whatever mix-ins you like. The brown sugar amount can be tweaked to however sweet you like it.

Brush oil on a cookie sheet. Bake granola at 350 in a single layer for 15 minutes. Drizzle honey over. Bake for another 15 minutes.

I’ve doubled, even tripled and quadrupled this recipe for years and it lasts for well over a month in a ziploc baggie.
Happygoin March 31, 2023
should read 1/2 CUP brown sugar. Sorry.
Charlie S. March 31, 2023
The recipe in the link doesn't say a word about egg whites. The brown sugar and maple syrup are more than enough to create "clumps" if that's what you're after. When the concoction is hot, use two spoons to compress the granola together in tight, oval ball the shape of the spoons you're using (like a quenelle if you know what this is). Set it aside to cool. Don't put it back in the oven.

Any recipe with a sugar or a syrup does not need anything else added in order to make it bind.

Zero chance I'd add a raw egg white as an "assist."
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