Where in Southern California can you get rhubarb?

Living in Southern California means we are blessed with AMAZING produce and fruit year round, but I have never seen rhubarb in any farmers markets or grocery stores. Is this exclusive to the east coast?

Jennifer Chung


Stephanie B. April 21, 2020
I've seen it at grocery stores regularly when it's in season, including: Sprouts, Gelson's, Ralph's, and Whole Foods. And farmer's markets of course. Writing from LA. Actually just saw some at Gelson's last week.
HalfPint April 21, 2020
I have seen rhubarb at farmers markets in California. I'm in the SF Bay Area. I have even seen it at supermarkets during rhubarb season. There's good reason you don't see it more often. There's only 4 acres in all of California devoted to rhubarb cultivation (https://www.kcrw.com/culture/shows/good-food/where-to-find-california-grown-rhubarb-in-southern-california-farmers-markets). Which is a darn shame since I know a lot of people enjoy it.
Miss_Karen April 21, 2020
No. California gets it too. It might just be the stupid quarantine. Suppliers are limiting what the stores are able to get. Try Ralph's or Whole Foods.
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