Under-cured gravlax ok to eat?

Hi, I made gravlax with previously-frozen sockeye salmon from Whole Foods, and cured it about 32 hours. I was decided to cut it off there because the fish felt so hard. I sliced it but then realized that the underside was still a bit raw in texture. (I didn't put salt on the skin side and didn't turn the fish while it cured.) . It tastes fine , and because it's previously frozen fish, any parasites would have been killed. Do you think this is ok? I have no idea what my guests will think of it!

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1 Comment

Lori T. January 1, 2019
You could always cut off the portion you think is undercured, and serve that as Nordic sashimi, I suppose. Technically it should be just fine to eat, at least for the next few days.
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