How do I contribute a recipe?

  • Posted by: Terri
  • May 21, 2016


Greenstuff May 23, 2016
Weird. I'm on both Windows and Apple, so I'd figured it was a system-wide change. There are other ways to navigate, but I'd considered emailing the editors to say the menu icon was easier.
Greenstuff May 23, 2016
You all still have that list icon? Mine vanished some weeks ago--on all devices.
Susan W. May 23, 2016
Mine is there on my tablet. Not sure about laptop or phone.
Susan W. May 23, 2016
Had to go look. It's there on my iPhone too.
702551 May 23, 2016
If you just hover your mouse over "Recipes" in the navigation bar at the top, it'll pop up a menu and one of the options on the left is "Add a Recipe."
Susan W. May 21, 2016
Just to the left of the words Food52, there is a list icon. Click on it and you'll see "add a recipe". Here's a link to it.
Terri May 22, 2016
Thanks, Susan. I wonder why it isn't more obvious.
Susan W. May 22, 2016
It did actually take me a minute to find it. There may be faster and more obvious ways, but that's the one I found.
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