Always looking for a dessert to take to a concert picnic.

Need an easy dessert to take to a concert picnic dinner.

  • Posted by: Karen
  • July 30, 2014


Patti I. August 1, 2014
Try these pecan pie muffins! They are easy and transportable but look awful pretty!

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Sam1148 July 31, 2014
Are you in Colorado...because you could get some REALLY good brownies.
Liza's K. July 31, 2014
This recipe I posted is quite easy and definitely travels. I took 50 of them on a 9 hour plane ride a month ago and they survived 5 days in a bus afterwards!
Karen July 31, 2014
Thanks I will give them a try.
ChefJune July 31, 2014
I understand your desire for a glamorous dessert, but if the tart gets crushed in transit, or the weather is really hot and sticky, bar cookies are more forgiving. And I don't know anyone who doesn't like brownies or blondies.
Karen July 31, 2014
I have taken creme brulee, apple crisps and they have traveled well. Just looking for other ideas. I usually wait to see what type of entree is being served before deciding on a dessert. Last concert had a Spanish flair with tapas and a poached salmon so I made a flan which was light and perfect for the type of dinner. But thanks for the suggestion. I will keep it in mind.
amysarah July 31, 2014
Did you see the article here yesterday about fruit galettes? Given your preference for individual tarts or cobblers, you could make smaller ones (I make galettes often, and don't see a problem adapting to individual size):
ATG117 July 31, 2014
classic cookies like chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin
Susan W. July 30, 2014
I love Silver Palate's pecan squares. I had a wholesale dessert biz moons ago and the grocery stores and bakeries that I sold too couldn't stay stocked. It's a shortbread crust on the bottom and then the top layer is nuts, honey, butter and brown sugar. I made them with pecans or macadamias (my favorite). Sometimes I added mini choc chips and sometimes I didn't. They travel very well and can be made ahead of time.
drbabs July 30, 2014
Alice Medrich's brownies. Super easy and so fun to end a meal with chocolate.
Karen July 31, 2014
Thanks drbabs. looking for more of individual tarts or fruit cobbler. Our concert picnic dinners are quite elaborate and I need something that has a lovely presentation. But I will try the brownies. Thanks
Pegeen July 30, 2014
Bar cookies. Just do a search on this site... enough options to keep you busy for a while. :-)
Talia R. July 30, 2014
We've got some awesome picnic menu ideas right here:

The blueberry galette is a personal favorite. You can also make individual galettes, or hand pies for easy eating:

Karen July 31, 2014
This recipe sounds really good and not too completed and would be easy to transport. I am not terribly successful making crusts from scratch though. But I always give new recipes a trial run first. Thanks
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