What is the best chocolate in chip form to use in baking?

  • Posted by: Amy
  • March 30, 2014


Joanne C. April 2, 2014
If you can get Tcho chips they are excellent. I believe you can get them thru mail order. We use them in many of our cookies!
ChefJune April 1, 2014
Guittard chips are very good quality, and I often use them. However, I really prefer to make uneven slivers and chunks off a large block of chocolate.
dinner A. March 31, 2014
I like chopping up a block of chocolate into slivers or chunks and using that instead of chips. You can get a higher quality chocolate than is usually available as chips, and I think is often cheaper. I usually use the Callebaut 60 or 70% bittersweet.
If you want the chip shape, I also like the Guittard "extra dark" 63% chips that Stephanie recommended.
Brette W. March 31, 2014
I'm with cookbookchick -- love the ghirardelli 60%
ATL March 30, 2014
I like Guittard-the super chips in the yellow package.
Stephanie G. March 30, 2014
I like Guittard 63%...in the red package.
Ida Y. March 30, 2014

Voted the Best Reply!

Diana B. March 30, 2014
My personal favorite is Ghirardelli.
cookbookchick March 30, 2014
Mine, too, especially the 60% Cacao Bittersweet chocolate chips.
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