Punch for a pool party?

I'm assigned to bring punch for a pool party potluck this weekend. I want it to be really easy (no fancy ice cubes or making sugar syrup) and dry rather than sweet. Ideas?



HalfPint April 12, 2013
How about a caiprinha or caipiroska?
sdebrango April 12, 2013
You may want to browse the recipes for a contest we had for best poolside cocktails here is the link http://food52.com/contests/247-your-best-poolside-cocktail
ZombieCupcake April 12, 2013
irinaleibo April 12, 2013
I substitute Agave Nectar when I'm not into making a syrup! LOL
Arnold Palmer is pretty easy. Maybe liquor on the side for those who want it.
AntoniaJames April 12, 2013
vvvanessa's mint limeade is really good. Not exactly a punch, and not totally dry, but you can adjust the amount of sugar. You do need to make a syrup, after steeping the mint in the water, if you want a little sweetness. I also make a rosemary lemonade using the same principles that can be made less sweet. Just simmer a huge bunch of rosemary for about 30 minutes, then remove it (as the branches will give the brew an unpleasant bitterness); dissolve sugar to taste in the rosemary scented water, and add lots of fresh (preferably Meyer) lemon juice. Again, not punch, but a real favorite whenever I serve it. (It's one of those things that people call you the next day and ask what you put in it, because they want to make it, too.) ;o)
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