How do you know if a mango is good

a Whole Foods Market Customer


ATG117 March 25, 2012
It should have a nice red-yellow coloring and smell like a mango, a little give but not too much. The small yellow mangoes are often very sweet!
creamtea March 25, 2012
I buy mine a day or two before I need them. If I see a sweet stick sap coming from the stem end, to me they're ripe.

Yuuki March 25, 2012
My answer was always if it looks like it fell off the back of the truck, then it's ripe. It shouldn't be very nice looking, but should have a little give when you squeeze it, though not too much. If your fingers leave an impression, then your mango is over ripe, but if they go in just a bit (say less than a cm and without resistance) then you're good to go.
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