Making root veggie latkes out of leftover boiled veggies from cornbeef dinner?

So anyone think I can squeeze enough water out of boiled veggies (potato, carrot, turnip, parsnips)leftover from the corn beef dinner I made the other night to turn them into latkes? Or do you have a better use for them?

  • Posted by: Mlc1977
  • March 14, 2012


Claudiacooks March 14, 2012
Why not turn them into Bubble and Squeak....?
Roughly chop all the ingredients and anything else you may have left over, season add 1 egg mix well. I think peas and asaparagis would go weel with this just add as much as you like!
You can make individual patties in a saute pan, or add a teaspoon of baking soda and bake them in a muffin tin for individual servings. Another idea is to bake whole in a lasagne pan and divide into portions.
pieceocake March 14, 2012
I don't see why not. I would drain them really well and add some grated white and sweet potatoes to the mix. Add flour, eggs, a little bit of matzoh meal, and lots of salt and pepper. Fry them up nice and crisp, and you're good to go.
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