
Toasted Cashew and Marzipan Blondies

October 25, 2017
6 Ratings
Photo by Posie Harwood
  • Makes 12 small bars
Author Notes

This might be my perfect bar cookie recipe: buttery, rich, and studded with chewy pockets of sweet marzipan and crunchy bits of toasted cashews. Feel free to vary the nuts or use almond paste in place of marzipan. —Posie (Harwood) Brien

What You'll Need
  • 3/4 cup (6 ounces) unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup (4 1/2 ounces) white chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup (3 1/2 ounces) dark brown sugar, loosely packed
  • 1/2 cup (3 1/2 ounces) granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups (6 3/4 ounces) all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 ounces marzipan, chopped in small pieces (almond paste works too)
  • 1 cup chopped toasted cashews
  • 1/4 cup (1 1/2 ounces) dark chocolate chips
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 9" x 9" baking pan and line with parchment paper. Note: You can either make these in a 9" square pan, or you can use an 8" square pan if you want them to be VERY thick. (Sometimes I put 3/4 of the batter in a thinner layer in an 8" square pan and bake the extra in a standard 9" x 5" loaf pan. Or I make a super thin batch in a 9" x 13" pan! Experiment and just see what you like!)
  2. Place the butter and half of the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Microwave until the butter melts, then stir together until the chocolate melts fully. (You can also do this in a saucepan on the stovetop.)
  3. Let cool slightly, then add both sugars and whisk until well combined.
  4. Add the eggs, one at a time, whisking until both are fully incorporated. Mix in the vanilla.
  5. Add the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix until the batter just comes together.
  6. Fold in the marzipan, cashews, remaining white chocolate, and dark chocolate.
  7. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until golden and set but still slightly soft in the middle to the touch. (If you're using a larger pan, start checking after 25 minutes.)
  8. Let cool fully before slicing.

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57 Reviews

Ginny S. May 22, 2024
I don't know how anyone could use a smaller pan than 9x13 for this recipe. They would be SO thick when using a 9" square, or heaven forbid an 8" square pan. It's a lot of batter! Mine are in the oven as I type.
Little P. May 11, 2024
Well. I was expecting these to be miracles in my mouth based on reviews. I subbed TJ salted caramel chips for the white chocolate and used only semi sweet chocolate at the end. These needed more salt. Flavor profile was bland and blah. Disappointed. Might try again using more salt.
Table T. October 25, 2023
OMG. These are amazing - and get this, I made them vegan. I swapped out dairy butter for nondairy, and used Bob’s Red Mill egg replacer powder (mixed w/water). I can’t wait to bring them to a ladies gathering tomorrow!
MonkeyBusiness August 5, 2023
I just saw these on Instagram and was so eager to make them, I went to the store for Marzipan! I used and 8x8 pan as that was what I had. Baked for 30 minutes and then shut off oven and left in for another 5, I think they could have used another 5 minutes or so. Also used toffee cover cashews because that is what I had...very, very good, however, I would take up some of the suggestions here and either use butterscotch chips or all chocolate.
Kiran September 4, 2021
Hello Posie

I discovered this a few months ago and ever since I made it so many times and in so many different versions. I have replaced the eggs with flax meal to make it egg free, Caramelized the white chocolate and browned the butter to name a few. In my most recent iteration, I replaced some of the flour with dutch processed cocoa (50gms/~2oZ) and switched milk chocolate in place of white chocolate. The original recipe and every iteration of it are absolutely brilliant and well received. Thank you so much for such a great recipe.
Muhlyssa August 4, 2019
I just made these for the third time and they are so good. Yes, the marzipan flavor is strong, so if you don't like that, use less or don't make these. You could also consider using pistachio paste.

What I love about this recipe is how easy it is. I do not have a stand-mixer so I tend to look for recipes that don't require heavy-mixing.

Personally, I find these delicious.
Nancy May 4, 2018
Too much almond flavor for me, I used marzipan. That’s the predominant flavor. I like the texture and will make again using halvah (as Posie suggested).
Gopal April 29, 2018
Simply loved this recipe ! Made me look like a rock star. I changed the white chocolate out for butterscotch chips and increased the dark chocolate chips and sprinkled Maldon Salt flakes on top before baking, but otherwise exactly as written. Truly outstanding. I had to gift them otherwise my husband and I would have eaten them all.
ezachos February 25, 2018
I definitely did not chop the almonds past up small enough, although I DID do it as small as I could (maybe 3/16" cube) before the bits all started sticking together. I'm going to try again, grating the almond paste into the recipe, as I've seen other dessert recipes suggest. And oddly, although I love cashews, I ddi not like their entirely different texture here. Again, maybe I need to chop much smaller.
Patti D. December 9, 2018
I had some success by putting the marzipan in the freezer to keep it from sticking together.
BocaCindi October 14, 2023
Great idea.
Hannah R. February 23, 2018
I made these twice in one week! they are amazing! I did make a few changes though: I browned the butter, added 1 tsp of kosher salt (instead of 1/2 tsp) to cut through the sweetness, and i added about 1/3 cup of dried cherries.
Samantha February 9, 2018
These were a hit, but I have to advise against doubling the recipe for a 9x13 pan. They were so thick, and given their richness, hard to cut into small pieces because of it. If I make this again I would make the recipe as is, but in the 9x13. Also, I'd probably cut back on the white chocolate and increase the dark chocolate!
Linda December 10, 2017
I made these tonight using almond paste instead of marzipan. They are fantastic! I'll be making these again (and again, and again). Thank you!
Muhlyssa December 10, 2017
Made these yesterday for a party, baked them in the morning for an evening party. They were a big hit.

I replaced the white chocolate with butterscotch chips but did not add more whole chips at the end.

I used almond paste instead of marzipan. I do not have a 9x9 pan so I used a 9x13 pan and baked for a shorter amount of time.

They were great and even better the next morning. It tasted like the almond paste flavor got more intense.

This recipe is a keeper, for sure. Next time I'd like them thicker, so I will do the smaller pan.
Mona P. December 7, 2017
How long do you think these will keep at room temperature? For example, could I take them on an out of town trip of several days for a hostess gift? Or ship them?
Posie (. December 7, 2017
Same rule of thumb as brownies -- they'll keep well for about 3 days I'd say at room temp, just be sure to keep them in an airtight container!
Mona P. December 11, 2017
Great -- thanks!
Jackie S. December 3, 2017
Just took these to a Christmas party. Super BIG HIT! The only item of which there was nothing left. Thank you, Posie Harwood and Food52.
Posie (. December 7, 2017
Woohoo, victory!
Victoria C. November 28, 2017
This recipe has caught my eye — but I don’t like marzipan. What about crumbled peanut brittle ? Or other ideas.
Posie (. November 28, 2017
Leave it out! Or use halvah. Or peanut butter. Or more chocolate. It’s a very forgiving recipe.
Dale912 November 13, 2017
These are SO good. I subbed caramel bits for the white chocolate chips (and used more chocolate chips than caramel bits). I skipped the part about combining the butter and chocolate. And I made them gluten free with a basic flour blend.
Sheryl D. November 13, 2017
What kind of caramel bits? Sounds delicious.
Dale912 November 26, 2017
Mary B. November 11, 2017
I made this recipe today. I left out the white chocolate chips and decreased the sugar to 3/4 cup but otherwise made it as written. I used almond paste instead of marzipan. These changes resulted in a not too sweet, deliciously addictive bar. Nice recipe - don't be afraid to play with it to suit your tastes.
Martin November 11, 2017
Sorry, should've read the comments. And I'm guessing white chocolate bars will be ok. Thanks for the share!
Martin November 11, 2017
Two questions:
1. If I don't have white chocolate chips where I live, can I just use a white chocolate bar?
2. When you say toasted cashews, do you mean the "raw" ones or the toasted ones that have salt? I ask cause cashew needs to be roasted to get rid of the poisonous shell.
And a bonus comment: I don't, for the life of me, like marzipan, so if this is good, it will be a first.