I'm cooking lamb stew for 130 people. Browning onions/veges/meat on the stovetop is impractical. Any tips for browning large quantities in ovens?

Robert Hickey


Michele January 28, 2017
I don't have an answer but I am full of admiration for you being able to do this. I freak out with more than 10!
Nancy January 27, 2017
And you have a huge refrigerator or a porch with freezing temps for storing all this cooked stew...
Robert H. January 27, 2017
I have a commercial walk-in chiller. This is for Dinner Theatre. 130 covers per night. We make the stew, chill it overnight to let the flavours mingle and heat it for serving the next night.
Nancy January 29, 2017
Robert - Dinner theatre with real food, sounds good!
ChefJune January 27, 2017
It's pretty easy to brown onions, etc. in the oven on a sheet pan, much as you would for roasting them.
Robert H. January 27, 2017
Thank you - I started testing with mirepoix onions last night - low temp for an 1.5 hrs. Came out beautifully caramelised. Transferred them to the pot, upped the oven temp and browned the meat in the oven. Transferred meat to the pot with other vege, bouquet garni and stock - done! This is gonna work!
Smaug January 27, 2017
The broiler is probably the best bet. I'd like to see your stew pot- I picture one of those gigantic black iron pots they use to boil missionaries in cartoons.
Robert H. January 27, 2017
I'm using commercial stock pots - but it'd be fun to track down some cartoon style pots from Acme!
caninechef January 27, 2017
I just saw this article the other day, maybe there are some tips you can use:
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