
Great Summer Drinks

July  8, 2010
It's hot, and we're thirsty. Aren't you?
Variation: Add a shot of vodka.
Mint Limeade
Ginger Sangria
Blackberry Caipirinha
Magical Coffee
Variations: Use an equal measure of plums or currants if you can't find rhubarb; top off with prosecco instead of sparkling water.
Michelada (aka Bloody Beer)
Variations: Add a shot of gin or vodka.
Retro Raspberry Lime Rickeys
El Chupacabra
Variations: Add a few spoonfuls of the watermelon puree and a splash of lemonade to a glass of bubbly.
Here are some more ideas:

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  • Rekaya
  • cheese1227
  • dymnyno
  • monkeymom
  • Merrill Stubbs
    Merrill Stubbs
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


Rekaya July 11, 2010
I have never tried Watermelonade, but I will now. The Ginger Sangria sounds yummy too. Thanks for sharing!
cheese1227 July 8, 2010
Made this for the Canorama and forgot to mention it. It is was a huge hit on Saturday. But one of most rewarding part of making several batches of this (I bought a HUGE watermelon) was when my 12 year-old paraded a bunch of his skate buddies through the kitchen this afternoon saying "You've got to try this watermelon drink my Mom makes, all from scratch." INSTANT street cred as the house to hang out at. Well, until they start thinking they should be adding vodka to the watermelonade that is...
dymnyno July 8, 2010
For a recent day after the wedding party I made 5!!! gallons of watermelonade and it was all gone in 2 hours.
monkeymom July 8, 2010
We are seriously addicted to watermelonade. Love it!
Merrill S. July 8, 2010
So glad!